Smiling comes easily for me. I like to smile.
Perhaps its because of the saying I’ve often heard, “Keep smiling and people will wonder what you’re up to!”
I try to be the first to offer my smile to strangers. Who knows? It just might help someone realize they are noticed and acknowledged.
Recently, I experienced what I like to call another “serendipity” at my “coffee haunt” —Walmart’s MacDonald's. Enjoying one of their tasty and pretty decent coffees, I gain that needed energy for grocery shopping later on.
Another chance meeting, this time with a lovely couple, Jerry and Helen from Calgary. They were visiting our fair city, celebrating their wedding anniversary.
I was a little ‘taken aback’ when acknowledging me with his forthright question, Jerry asked if I was a Jesus-follower. Receiving my positive answer, we immediately sensed a warm, mutual bond that exists when sharing the same Spirit — Jesus’ Spirit, making us indeed, brothers and sisters in Christ.
Sharing information about ourselves came easily, and it soon seemed as if we had always known each other.
I wonder if heaven will be like that. Imagine having eternity to get to know all our many brothers and sisters that will be there from across the world!Lately, while spending some quiet moments in the Word, this verse grabbed my attention — “Thanks be to God, who … uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.” (2 Corinthians: 2:14).
I thought, “Could it be possible my new friends sensed a pleasing fragrance of Christ emanating from my persona?"
Enjoy the following delightful short story from my favourite Daily Bread booklet:
Sitting outside a cafe enjoying a cup of tea, she became aware of a beautiful scent.
She asked a waiter where it was coming from, and was told it was the people passing by.
Most of the villagers were employed at a nearby perfume factory.
Walking home from their day’s work, they carried the fragrance that had permeated their clothes out into the streets.”
How can I be permeated with the sweet fragrance of Christ, carrying it out into the streets wherever I go?
I believe it will depend on my spiritual condition, as to what kind of aroma I will be sending forth. The more time I spend developing my relationship with Jesus, the more I will automatically wear His fragrance — which is always pleasing and beautiful!
Then, others will sense the spiritual aroma of Christ, an aroma that brings life, radiating from my personality. It will be evident as I engage in Christ-like service through words and deeds.
How amazing would that be, if people could observe me and say, “I see Jesus in you!”
So, parting with my new friends, warm hugs were exchanged, and promises to keep in touch via e-mail or telephone calls. I felt I had once again experienced a God-arranged encounter — knowing He always has His reasons for every person He chooses to bring across my path.
Spring has sprung! The warm, sunny days are slow arriving, but evidence of new life is everywhere.
Vancouver has been enjoying their yearly Cherry Blossom Festival, March 30 to April 23. For more than 60 years, Vancouverites have celebrated each spring, with the flowering plum and cherry trees lining streets and gracing parks — showing off their fragile beauty.
It is mainly a two-week period when the most beautiful and exciting cherry blossom moments are captured.
What gorgeous fragrances must be hovering over those abundant blossoms.
“There is no stranger under the cherry tree.”
Earth Day is Saturday, April 22, 2017.
Something to think about…. "How has the world changed since that first Earth Day in 1970?"
— beulah
“There is no stranger under the cherry tree.”
— Kobayashi Issa
Earth Day is Saturday, April 22, 2017.
Something to think about…. "How has the world changed since that first Earth Day in 1970?"
— beulah